
Internet Slang Getting Shorter And Shorter...IMO

Short hand words that's evolved over the years::

| '''<3'''||''Heart''
| '''@'''||''At''
| '''1'''||''Bye, Goodbye''
| '''2'''|| ''To'', ''Too'' or ''Two''
| '''4'''|| ''For'' or ''Four''
| '''B'''|| ''Be''
| '''B4'''|| ''Before''
| '''C'''|| ''See''
| '''Ite'''|| ''Are you alright, Yo''
| '''Cuz'''|| ''Because''
| '''da'''|| ''The''
| '''der'''|| ''There''
| '''Gonna'''|| ''Going to''
| '''K'''|| ''Okay''
| '''L8r'''|| ''Later''
| '''M8'''|| ''Mate''
| '''Pic'''|| ''Picture''
| '''Pics or Pix'''|| ''Pictures''
| '''Plz or Pls''' || ''Please''
| '''Shoulda'''|| ''Should have''
| '''sup'''|| ''what's up?''
| '''sup homes'''|| ''what's up, friend?''
| '''Tho'''|| ''Though''
| '''Thx'''|| ''Thanks''
| '''U'''|| ''You''
| '''W8'''|| ''Wait''
| '''Wanna'''|| ''Want to''
| '''Wile'''|| ''While''
| '''Ye'''|| ''Yeah'' or ''Yes''

Some of the most common acronyms that's evovled over the yrz in the internet::

''AFAIC'''|| ''As far as I care'','As far as I'm concerned''

| '''AFAIK'''|| ''As far as I know''
| '''AFAIR'''|| ''As far as I recall'','As far as I remember''
| '''AFK'''|| ''Away from keyboard''
|'''ASL?'''||''Age, sex, location?''
|'''AYH?'''|| Are you high
|'''AYBABTU'''||''All your base are belong to us''
| '''BBIAB'''|| ''Be back in a bit''
| '''BBL'''|| ''Be back later''
| '''BFD'''|| ''Big f*cking deal''
| '''BRB'''|| ''Be right back'' or ''Bath-room break''
| '''BRT'''|| ''Be right there''
| '''BTW'''|| ''By the way''
| '''CYA'''|| ''See you''
| '''CU'''|| ''See you''
| '''CUL'''|| ''See you later''
| '''CYS'''|| ''Check your settings''
| '''DIAF'''|| ''Die in a fire''
| '''FAQ'''|| ''Frequently asked questions''
| '''FFS'''|| ''For f*ck's sake''
| '''FOAD'''|| ''F*ck off and die''
| '''FWIW'''|| ''For what it's worth''
| '''FTW'''|| ''For the win''
| '''FTL'''|| ''For the loss''
| '''FYI'''|| ''For your information''
| '''G2G / GTG'''|| ''Got to go''
| '''GAGF'''|| ''Go and get f*cked''
| '''GAL'''|| ''Get a life''
| '''GFY'''|| ''Good for you''
''Go f*ck yourself''
| '''GG'''|| ''Good game''
''Good going''
| '''GIYF'''|| ''Google is your friend''
| '''GTFO'''|| ''Get the f*ck out''
| '''HAND'''|| ''Have a nice day''
| '''HTH'''|| ''Hope this helps''
|'''IACL'''||''I am currently laughing''
| '''IANAL'''|| ''I am not a lawyer''
| '''IANARS'''|| ''I am not a rocket scientist''
| '''IC'''|| ''I see''
| '''ICYDK'''|| ''In case you didn't know''
| '''IDGI'''|| ''I don't get it''
| '''IIRC'''|| ''If I recall correctly''
| '''ILY or ILU'''|| ''I love you''
| '''IMO'''|| ''In my opinion''
| '''IMHO'''|| ''In my honest opinion''
''In my humble opinion''
| '''IMNSHO'''|| ''In my not so honest opinion''
''In my not so humble opinion''
| '''IRL'''|| ''In real life''
| '''ITT'''|| ''In this thread''
| '''IYDMMA'''|| ''If you don't mind me asking''
| '''JFGI'''|| ''Just f*cking google it''
| '''JJ, JP, or JK'''|| ''Just joking''
''Just playing''
''Just kidding''
| '''JOOC'''|| ''Just out of curiosity''
| '''LLAH'''|| ''Laughing like a Hyena''
| '''LMAO'''|| ''Laughing my ass off''
| '''LMFAO'''|| ''Laughing my f*cking ass off''
| '''LOL or LQTM'''|| ''Laugh out loud(''Loche'' in [[French]]), Laugh quietly to myself''
| '''KL'''|| ''Abbreviated form of "kool" or "cool." Can also be a question, meaning "Are you ok?"'
| '''MOFO'''|| ''Mother F*cker"
| '''MYOB'''|| ''Mind your own business''
| '''NVM'''|| ''Never mind''
| '''NOYB'''|| ''None of your business''
| '''NP'''|| ''No problem''
| '''NSFW'''|| ''Not Safe For Work''
| '''NWS'''|| ''Not Work Safe''
| '''NLS'''|| ''Not Life Safe''
| '''OIC'''|| ''Oh, I see''
| '''OJ'''|| ''Only Joking''
| '''OMG'''|| ''Oh my God''
| '''OMFG'''|| ''Oh my f*cking God''
| '''OMFL'''|| ''Oh my f*cking lag''
| '''OP'''|| ''Original Poster or Original Post''
| '''OT'''|| ''Off topic''
| '''PEBKAC'''|| ''Problem exists between the keyboard and the chair''
| '''PFO'''|| ''Please f*ck off''
| '''PITA'''|| ''Pain in the ass''
| '''POS'''|| ''Parent over shoulder'' or ''Piece of sh*t''
| '''PTTL'''|| ''Pop to the loo''
| '''RL'''|| ''Real life''
| '''ROFL'''|| ''Rolling on the floor laughing''
| '''ROFLMAO'''|| ''Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off''
| '''ROFLMAOL'''|| ''Rolling on the floor laughing my ass out loud''
| '''RTFA/M'''|| ''Read the f*cking Article / Manual''
| '''SO'''|| ''Significant other''
| '''SOS'''|| ''Same old sh*t''
| '''SSDD'''|| ''Same sh*t, different day''
| '''STFU'''|| ''Shut the f*ck up''
| '''TIA'''|| ''Thanks in advance''
| '''TTFN'''|| ''Ta ta for now''
| '''TYT'''|| ''Take your time''
| '''TTYL'''|| ''Talk to you later''
| '''TTYT'''|| ''Talk to you tomorrow''
| '''TY'''|| ''Thank you''
| '''WB'''|| ''Welcome back''
| '''WDUWTA?'''|| ''What do you want to talk about?''
| '''WOOT'''|| ''We own our team''
| '''WTF?'''|| ''What the f*ck?''
| '''WTH?'''|| ''What the hell?''
| '''WURSC'''|| ''Wow, you are so cool''
| '''YW'''|| ''You're welcome''
| '''YSVW'''|| ''You're so very welcome''
| '''YCM'''|| ''You copied me''

Some common leet speak phrases

Leet, also called 1337, l33t, Leetspeak, or 13375|>34|<>language game which replaces the Latin Alphabet with numbers and ASCII printable symbols. It is used a lot on the Internet in forum, chat rooms and online games.

| '''Haxor'''|| ''A hacker''
| '''Leet'''|| ''Elite (one of the best)''
| '''Meh'''|| ''Me or a phrase of uninterest''
| '''Newbie'''|| ''A new member''
| '''Noob'''|| ''A new member (insult)''
| '''Ownage'''|| ''Destroying an opponent''
| '''Pron'''|| ''Pornography''
| '''Pwnage'''|| ''Intentionally Wrong spelling of "Ownage"''
| '''Roxor'''|| ''Someone who 'rocks' (compliment)''
| '''Teh'''|| ''Intentionally Wrong spelling of "The"''
| '''Warez'''|| ''Illegal software''
| '''Nub'''|| ''New player, used when you accept being a noob"

The usage of words getting shorter and shorter in terms of spelling and usage in the info super highway...